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Virtual Learning and Accessibility

Study shows majority of blind and visually impaired schoolchildren have been significantly disadvantaged during pandemic remote learning; inadequate digital tools are leaving these children behind. Many parents and family members were thrust into the role of teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have struggled to get our students squared away with their Zoom classes and help them manage Google Classroom and other online learning management systems (LMSs) and applications before…

Website and Application Accessibility: Job Searching, Interviewing, and Onboarding—Oh My!

The AFB Research team has worked for over a year on the Workplace Technology Study to explore the influence of technology on the employment experience of people who are blind or visually impaired. This study, which consisted of focus groups, 323 survey respondents, and 25 personal interviews, also investigated the effects of inaccessible technology on the job search, interviewing, and onboarding processes. It turns out that the impact is significant. Imagine you are a new college graduate. You…
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Honoring International Day of Persons With Disabilities

Each year on December 3rd we recognize International Day of Persons With Disabilities, to raise awareness about the civil rights of persons with disabilities, on every level of life, be it social, political, economic, or cultural. This day, first recognized by the United Nations in 1992 at its headquarters in New York, serves as a tool to mobilize support and advocacy efforts, and inform the public about issues related to disabilities. At the American Foundation for the Blind, we believe that…
Blog Topics Public Policy, Research

How AFB Employment Programs Support Our Veterans

This year and every year, the American Foundation for the Blind wants to take a moment to give tremendous thanks to the veterans who so selflessly have defended and protected our country with honor and pride. Thank you for your service. When veterans leave the military, it is not uncommon that they do so with disabilities. The Veteran’s Administration Office of Blind Rehabilitation Services estimates that there are over 130,000 veterans in the United States who are legally blind. AFB was…
Blog Topics Veterans, Employment

NDEAM: It’s Not Over in October

One of the first questions people ask one another is, “What do you do for a living?” That question has such deep implications for most of us. Our jobs can be closely tied to who we are and what we value. What we do for work tells the world a lot about us: It can indicate our level of education or give an idea about someone’s personality. We often associate our self-worth with our careers. When we get a new job, we feel valued and when we get a promotion or raise, we feel a sense of…
Blog Topics Employment