National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Christopher Columbus-style

Two significant observances occur in October – Columbus Day (October 12), and National Disability Employment Awareness Month (all month long!). However, I have no clue if Columbus employed any persons with disabilities. If he didn't, he should have. Let's suppose for a moment Christopher Columbus was alive today. He would be smart to hire a visually impaired navigator—they would be using AccessWorld (AFB’s free online technology magazine) to find the best accessible GPS. AFB is setting sail…
Author Joe Strechay
Blog Topics

AFB Remembers Steve Jobs

AFB, and the vision loss community at large, will miss Steve Jobs. Needless to state, the world would be a very different place today were it not for him. AFB has been a longtime supporter of Apple products, which come fully accessible right out of the box, and presented the company with a 2009 Access Award in recognition. In light of his passing, some AFB staff shared their thoughts on the man and the indelible mark he left on us all. Carl R. Augusto, AFB President and CEO: "Steve Jobs, as a…
Author AFB Staff
Blog Topics

The Latest Amazon Kindle: Lighting a Fire of Outrage

I have written several articles in AFB's AccessWorld Magazine chronicling the lack of accessibility of Amazon's Kindle electronic book reading devices as they have evolved over the last few years. The original Kindle was completely inaccessible to blind people, and our community protested loudly and clearly. Amazon responded by adding some text-to-speech functionality to the second and third versions. Although that still did not lead to what I would call an accessible Kindle, the incremental…
Author Darren Burton
Blog Topics

AT&T Takes Significant Step Forward to Improve Access to Android Phones for People with Vision Loss

This week, AT&T announced the launch of AT&T Mobile Accessibility Lite, a suite of applications for Android smart phones designed to be intuitive and easier to use for people who are blind. While I have not yet had a chance to fully test the new release, I am impressed by four things: First, it is offered at no cost. Second, AT&T Mobile Accessibility Lite is designed by Code Factory, an internationally recognized company that has made a name for itself in developing excellent…
Blog Topics

AccessWorld: There's an App for That!

[Editor's note: the following post is co-authored by Darren Burton and Ricky Kirkendall.] Given AccessWorld's mission of keeping readers up to date on the latest in accessible technology, we are proud to announce that you can now download the AccessWorld app on your iPhone! This FREE app allows you to browse and read the entire AccessWorld collection up to the latest issue – it's like having 10 years' worth of AccessWorld at your fingertips! The app also allows you to locate the contact…
Author Darren Burton
Blog Topics

Dog Guide Etiquette, From One Who Knows

[Editor's note: The following blog comes from Paige, a Dog Guide here at AFB headquarters. Paige is here to share a few thoughts on what to do when you encounter a visually impaired person and his or her dog guide.] Hi! I'm Paige, and I'm a Dog Guide. You may also hear of us referred to as "Seeing Eye Dogs" and "Guide Dogs," but we do prefer Dog Guides - after all, we're dogs first! Since my master is currently occupied – she's a rather busy woman—I'd thought I'd use my down time to discuss…

Let's Talk Tech: Accessibility in a Changing Environment

In the September 2011 issue of AccessWorld, I wrote a commentary about the future of accessibility in light of the ever-shifting flow of technological advancement. I discuss how mobile information technology, rapidly developing apps, cloud computing, social networking and other developments will supplant the centrality of the PC, upend "traditional" entertainment equipment like TVs and stereos (remember walkmen?), and likely finalize the shift away from printed mediums like books and…
Blog Topics Technology

Which Screen Reader Is Best?

Often I'm asked which screen reading program is best for users who are blind or have low vision. My response is always the same: It depends. It depends on what computer tasks the person is trying to accomplish, and the type of environment in which he or she is working. It has been my experience that all of the major screen readers do a good job of providing access to the three most widely used applications on personal computers. I bet you can guess what those are. If you said word processing…
Author Ike Presley
Blog Topics Assistive Technology

Coming Soon to a Living Room Near You: Video Description

Big news for all the TV lovers out there: the FCC just took a decisive step toward ensuring more video described programming is available to people with vision loss. This week, the FCC voted unanimously (4-0) to require leading broadcast and cable channels to offer at least 50 hours of described programming every calendar quarter. This will allow those of us who are blind or visually impaired to keep up with news and pop culture and more fully participate in society. When the new rules kick in…
Author Mark Richert
Blog Topics Public Policy

Expedition Impossible - Behind the Scenes, Episode 9

[Editor's note: the following post originally appeared on Erik Weihenmayer's blog,, and is being republished here with his permission. Among Erik's many notable achievements, he is a CareerConnect mentor as well as the first blind person to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. This summer Erik has been starring in ABC's Expedition Impossible. You can catch the show Thursday nights at 9 EST. Learn more about Erik at his website,] I…
Author AFB Staff
Blog Topics Sports