Photo of Kirk Adams Kirk Adams is president and CEO of the American Foundation for the Blind.

We are delighted to join our friends and colleagues in celebrating the sixth Global Accessibility Awareness Day, a day designed to get everyone talking, thinking, and learning about digital access and inclusion for people with disabilities.

Frontispiece of The Story of My Life

We are delighted that our next post in this series of posts devoted to the Helen Keller Digitization project is contributed by Susan Pearce, a volunteer transcriber, and a very valued member of our "Captains of Transcription" team.

From Susan Pearce, transcriber:

example of an inaccessible image captcha: the words

Lots of websites have a real and urgent need to keep bots and spammers off their sites. One partial solution is the CAPTCHA.

I was delighted to see this article from the Nielsen Norman Group on why Placeholders in Form Fields Are Harmful. Placeholders are those words that lurk in your online forms, frequently an almost unreadable pale gray.

The example the author provides in the article is a password field where the label "Password:" appears above the form field, and the hint "Must have at least 6 characters" appears as light gray placeholder text inside the form field.