Text reads: Learn, Engage, Advance, Deliver. The first letter from each word spells out the acronym L.E.A.D. We are thrilled to announce that the moment you've been waiting for is here—registration is now open for the 2019 AFB Leadership Conference (#AFBLC19)!

This week we lost a legendary figure in the field of comic books and entertainment, Stan Lee. Among the many characters he helped develop for Marvel Comics is the first blind superhero, Daredevil.

About his visually impaired crime-fighter, Lee said:

computer keyboard with one key depicting an icon of a person who is blind, walking with a long cane

At the American Foundation for the Blind, we were heartened to read that the Department of Justice confirmed clearly and unequivocally, in a September 26 letter to congressional representatives, that the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to online accommodations.

Three disability symbols representing the Americans with Disabilities Act

HR620—A "Solution" in Search of a Problem

One of my favorite assistive technology podcasts recently made me grit my teeth, again, over the passage of congressional bill H.R. 620. H.R. 620 is titled the "ADA Education and Reform Bill."

Mark Richert Mark Richert, AFB's Director of Public Policy

A hearty kudos to the United States Senate for ratifying the Marrakesh Treaty—unanimously, I might add—and passing its implementing legislation, the Marrakesh Treaty Implementation Act (S. 2559), which aims to facilitate access to materials in a specialized format to eligible individuals, including and especially individuals who are blind or visually impaired.

Helen Keller in 1960

Head and shoulders image of Helen Keller taken at her 80th birthday in 1960.

Helen Keller died 50 years ago today – just a few weeks short of her 88th birthday. As the archivist and caretaker of her collection, I initially wondered how I nearly overlooked this anniversary. Upon consideration, I have several theories about this that I’d like to share with you.