Audio description (sometimes called "video description" or simply "description") is a creative process that makes television programs and movies more accessible for people who are blind or visually impaired. A narrator (audio describer) verbally provides short descriptions of key actions or visual elements of a scene, such as what the actors are wearing, doing, or even key facial expressions. The descriptions are inserted into pauses within a program's dialogue, but can also be added before a program begins, to provide important context. Audio description helps people who are blind or visually impaired gain more complete access to the creative content of TV programs and movies and thereby more fully participate in society.

President Obama speaks at the White House during the signing of the CVAA in 2010. Stevie Wonder, Ed Markey, and others gather behind him at the podium.In recent months, we at AFB had the good fortune to celebrate several pieces of legislation that have improved the lives of those who are blind or visually impaired.

Alina Vayntrub and Crista Earl stand outside Penn Station, with Crista's dog guide Paige. Alina holds a colander and Crista, wearing headphones, is holding her iPhone. A piece of white paper lies on the ground.

Yesterday, AFB staff experienced the solar eclipse with a variety of high- and low-tech approaches.

Netflix logo

Big news from Netflix this week: the internet television network announced that it is adding audio description to its platform as a setting. This is huge news for those of us with vision loss.

Comcast has just announced a solution to a huge television-watching problem.

Dark movie theatre interior, screen and chairs.

Last weekend, my wife and I went to go see Anchorman 2. We love going to the movies, and I love the experience even more now that we have a local theatre that provides video description (hat-tip to Cinemark. I hope the other theaters in my area follow their example). I was pretty excited, because I loved the first Anchorman.