On Saturday, the New York Times published a stunning essay by Rosemary Mahoney, a teacher at a school for the blind, entitled "Why Do We Fear the Blind?" She opens with a quandary seemingly absurd on its face, but one that we unsighted people know all too well:

Blogger Emily Coleman, enjoying a family bike ride with her husband and three children.

Editor's note: We recently asked Emily to write this post for us, discussing the importance of specialized services. You can also read Joe Strechay's thoughts on specialized employment services here.

Everyone in the blindness field, and every braille reader, knows the name of Abraham Nemeth. He's probably the biggest name in blindness, if there is such a thing.

This morning, I was saddened and shocked to hear of his passing.

I had the lucky, really just lucky, opportunity to meet Dr. Nemeth several times.

[Editor's note: The following post is authored by Keller Johnson-Thompson, Helen Keller's great-grandniece.]

Keller Johnson-Thompson standing beside a statue of Helen Keller.