Dad and kids in pool

Come on in; the water's fine!

AFB continues our summer recreation series with a look at swimming. Swimming can be an excellent activity for people who are blind or visually impaired. Whether you are looking to swim some serious laps, get a great workout, or just cool off on a sweltering day, get the latest on the quintessential summertime activity.

green iPod Nano and mic, next to some coins for size comparison

Everybody who works with people who are blind or visually impaired knows those reluctant technology adopters, or complete non-technology adopters. When the Pew Research Center says 15% of Americans are not connected, who are these people? They're in my singing group.

Marcus Roberts was on 60 Minutes last night! Take a look, if you didn't get a chance to see it. He plays piano, he talks about music, and, my favorite part, they talked a little bit (too little to suit me) about the fact that he uses technology.

No question, Marcus Roberts' most important piece of technology is the piano. He is first and foremost a talented musician, composer, and entertainer (this is my blog, I'm allowed to have three foremosts).

Spoiler alert: this post provides details and description from the premiere episode of "Growing Up Fisher."

Last night, I watched the premiere of the new network situational comedy television show, "Growing Up Fisher." I was pretty excited to watch this show for a few reasons:

Dark movie theatre interior, screen and chairs.

Last weekend, my wife and I went to go see Anchorman 2. We love going to the movies, and I love the experience even more now that we have a local theatre that provides video description (hat-tip to Cinemark. I hope the other theaters in my area follow their example). I was pretty excited, because I loved the first Anchorman.

Helen Keller in Martha Graham's dance studio with Martha and dancers.

Over the past couple of months, we at AFB have received a number of correspondences regarding the announcement and promotion of various Helen Keller-related projects. While we can't always honor every request, we have been impressed with what has crossed our desks.

Chef Wearing Black and White Uniform Slicing Brown Mushrooms

I was catching up on some television recently when I caught the season premiere of MasterChef, starring Gordon Ramsay, Graham Elliot, and Joe Bastianich. My wife said to me, "Wait, I think I just saw a white cane." She rewound the recording and there was definitely a woman using a white cane. "Oh no," I said, "how are they going to portray her on this show?"

Joe Strechay

I'm not sure how many of you bought Lady Gaga's new album; it just came out a couple weeks ago. Well, I did. A few of the songs offer positive messages, but one in particular stands out. I'm sure you've already heard this song on the radio or seen the video on TV: "Born This Way" (which is also the album's title) has quickly become an anthem for all who are proud of who they are.