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Operating Systems

Stepping Over The Threshold: Windows 10 In 10,000 Words, Thoroughly Reviewed

by Tamas Geczy

I'm confident that when it comes to upgrading, this will be one of the smoothest processes in the history of Windows. Unless you have specific needs and situational configuration issues, it's not an exciting hour. In the land of computing, this is good! Remember that Microsoft is providing support to anyone upgrading with the reservation system.

Product Evaluations and Guides

Workflow: Powerful Automation Made Simple…and iOS Accessible

by Bill Holton

The initial release of the Workflow app was only partially accessible. But, the developers began corresponding with VoiceOver users who wished to use Workflow. With their help and all the online accessibility resources Apple offers, it didn't take very long to make Workflow completely VoiceOver friendly.

Book Reviews

Stream It! Music, Movies, and More with Apple TV and VoiceOver, by Jonathan Mosen: A Book Review

by Jamie Pauls

If you are like me and have had an Apple TV for a while, but haven't really gotten as much out of it as you could, or if you are thinking about buying a 3rd Generation Apple TV but haven't yet taken the plunge, then Stream It! Music, Movies, and More with Apple TV and VoiceOver is definitely worth the price.

Emerging Technology

The American Foundation for the Blind Launches an Accessible HTML5 Video Player

by Jamie Pauls

AFB has released a tool for making streaming video content readily accessible to everyone who uses the Internet, whether they are fully sighted, have partial vision, or are totally blind. Now, all that is needed is for Web designers to download the AFB Accessible Player and required software and begin implementing accessible streaming video content on their sites.

Access to the Hospitality Industry

Focus on the Hospitality Industry, Part III: What's on the Menu: a Review of Menu Accessibility on Chain Restaurant Websites

by Janet Ingber

Each website reviewed in this article had some kind of accessibility issue, some minor and some not. It is unfortunate that large restaurant chains still do not have websites that are completely accessible for their customers who are blind or visually impaired.


Richard Beausoleil: A Musician Harmonizing with Technology

by Deborah Kendrick

In a time when technology, both specialized and mainstream, presents work-arounds for so many professional and recreational tasks, there still are surprises. It was wonderful to see how talent, resourcefulness, and the ability to apply technology to the individual needs of one clever user have come together.

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Letters to the Editor

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