
latex-gloved hand holds a vial of vaccine as another gloved hand inserts a syringe into the vial.

The Disability Information and Access Line (DIAL), funded by both the Administration for Community Living (ACL) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is an information and referral center that assists with locating vaccine sites, appointment scheduling, locating transportation to the appointment, in-home testing determination, COVID-19 vaccination education, and overcoming barriers to vaccination for people with disabilities. Additionally, DIAL specialists can help people with disabilities identify other community resources and services.

An interagency work group that includes ACL, USAging, and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS), among others, have identified key priorities of combatting vaccine hesitancy and vaccination equity. Through education and resource identification, DIAL can help bridge the gap for consumers and families who need information and resources. Adults with disabilities, teachers, therapists, and family members, can utilize the resources as well to obtain needed information by calling 888-677-1199 (M-F 9AM-6PM ET) or email dial@usaginganddisability.org.

On September 13, USAging, formerly National Association for Area Aging Agencies (N4A) and the Administration for Community Living (ACL), held a webinar to create awareness about a new resource available to assist older adults or people with disabilities with access to COVID-19 vaccination information and support. The webinar resources are available from USAging.