
Four Access Awards sit atop a black table, awaiting recipients.

[Editor's Note: The following post comes from AFB Consulting Accessibility Specialist Marc Grossman.]

In 2007, I was asked to join the selection committee to help sort through the nominations for the AFB Access Awards. This award recognizes individuals, corporations, and organizations that eliminate or substantially reduce inequities faced by people who are blind or visually impaired. The names on the list of past recipients is long and distinguished. It includes Apple, Inc., Canon USA, CBS Television, Google, and Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. Recognizing these companies validates their commitment to accessibility and will encourage other companies to follow suit. With more than 25 million Americans living with vision loss, it is important for companies to recognize the importance of finding ways to satisfy these customers.

The window for nominations for the 2012 Access Awards is now open and we encourage everybody to put on their thinking caps. We want to hear from people with vision loss, teachers, and rehabilitation experts to help us identify those individuals or organizations that are making outstanding contributions.

The criteria are fairly simple. Nominees should illustrate an exceptional and innovative effort that has improved the lives of people with vision loss by enhancing access to information, the environment, technology, education or employment, including making mainstream products and services accessible. The effort should be one that has national impact or can serve as a model for replication on a national level.

I will gladly accept letters of nomination addressing these criteria. My email address is mgrossman@afb.net.

Don't hesitate, the deadline for submission is the end of November. All of us on the 2012 nomination committee look forward to reading your nominations!

Author AFB Staff
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