1. Use robust, valid code and keep it simple. Remember that there are many different types of disabilities and many different types of assistive technologies to help these users. Developers mostly need to worry about proper programming and keeping things simple. Is your website coded correctly to stand the test of time and meet compatibility requirements with many different devices?
  2. Native HTML controls should always be your first choice. These controls are robust and have concrete standards that assistive technology can leverage.

Helen Keller reading braille at her desk

Archival Innovators, a new blog series hosted by the Society of American Archivists, aims to raise awareness of "the individuals, institutions, and collaborations that are helping to boldly chart the future of the the archives profession and set new precedents for the role of the archivist in society."

After many months of hard work, AFB has raised the curtains on its redesigned website, www.afb.org. The new site maintains our proud history of accessibility, while making it even easier to find the wealth of information that users expect, especially on mobile devices. It also reflects the organization’s new strategic direction and priorities, emphasizing aging, education, and employment.

For tech-savvy computer users who have low vision, options for enlarging text and adding speech are plentiful. Operating systems, web browsers, and third-party accessibility technology tools offer a variety of accessibility options. But many people who could benefit from low-vision tools don't use them, either because they don't know what's available to them, or because they don't consider themselves to be print-disabled.

You've probably encountered this during one of your web surfing sessions. You visit a large website, and you discover a control that offers to turn the page into audible text and read it aloud for those who cannot see the screen. If you're like me, this always leads to the question: If I am using a screen reader already, why would I want to have the site also read the page aloud?

Whether you receive an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch as a gift or purchase one yourself, you will need to use iTunes on a computer to manage your device's content. Apple has significantly improved the accessibility of iTunes and iOS devices. All iOS devices and Apple computers now come with their own screen reader, VoiceOver, already installed, which is activated by triple clicking the "Home" button. However, your computer's screen reader, not VoiceOver, is used to navigate and use iTunes.

This holiday season, are you dreading long lines, salespeople who are not able to help you, and going from store to store to find that perfect gift? If so, it may be time to consider online shopping. You can shop to your heart's content from the comfort of your home or anywhere else where you have access to a computer and the Internet. These online stores never close.