cover of Whitman Magazine showing Kirk Adams standing on the New York City subway platform, white cane in hand. The caption reads: Kirk Adams '83, the nation's top advocate for the blind.


As President and CEO of the American Foundation for the Blind, Kirk Adams '83 guides efforts to improve the lives of millions of blind and visually impaired people nationwide.

Born and raised before the Americans with Disabilities Act helped level the playing field for people who are blind, Kirk Adams ’83 has lived through his share of disability rights history. Now, at the helm of the nation’s leading vision loss nonprofit, he has a direct hand in shaping it.

“The American Foundation for the Blind is an organization I’ve been aware of all my life,” he said. “It has a unique place in the history of the blindness field. Helen Keller worked for AFB for 40 years. We have her archives. I can go sit at her desk, which is pretty cool. We’ve been at the forefront of understanding what the needs of blind people are and what the institutional, systemic barriers are in addressing them.”

Read the full story in Whitman Magazine, Winter 2017: Out of Sight, Not Out of Mind