Product Features

Feature: LG VX 4500; Microsoft Voice Command/Pocket PC phones

Size (inches): LG VX 4500: 1.9 x 0.9 x 3.5 when folded up; Pocket PC Phones: approximately 5 x 3 x 0.5.

Weight (ounces): LG VX 4500: 3.7; Pocket PC phones: Approximately 8.0.

Display screen size (inches): LG VX 4500: Main screen: 1.5 x 1.1, Secondary screen: 0.9 x 0.5; Pocket PC phones: 3 x 2.

Phone style: LG VX 4500: clamshell; Pocket PC phones: flat touch screen.

Voice dialing: LG VX 4500: Yes; Microsoft Voice Command: Yes.

Cost: LG VX 4500: $39.95 with a two year service agreement with Verizon Wireless or $89.95 with a one year agreement; Microsoft Voice Command: $30; Pocket PC phones: Approximately $500.

Note that prices for cell phones and service change rapidly, so check with your service provider for current prices and availability.

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