Neva Fairchild

Neva Fairchild headshot.

Neva Fairchild—National Aging and Vision Loss Specialist with AFB, has 30 years of professional experience in vision rehabilitation and a lifetime of personal experience living with vision loss.

She has worked for the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) since 2008 and is overseeing the training and activities of the Fellows & Mentors in the AFB Blind Leaders Development Program.

Neva worked for the State of Texas and Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind, prior to AFB. She is currently serving as President of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired (AER). She was recently appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to his Task Force on Disaster Issues Affecting Persons Who Are Elderly and Persons with Disabilities.

Neva has a bachelor's in Rehabilitation Science and a master's in Rehabilitation Counseling Psychology. Her expertise in rehabilitation counseling, adult learning, and access technology, enable her to add valuable and practical insights in a variety of settings.