• Provide additional instruction in areas affected by learning loss.
  • Continue increased communication and collaboration with families.
  • Resume in-person services to meet learner needs – learning loss shows that doing 100% virtual instruction was not effective in all areas.
  • Collaborate among TVIs, O&Ms, CATIS, Parents, Teachers, Allied Health Professionals (such as OTs, SLPs, and PTs), paraprofessionals, and students to develop comprehensive plans for the coming year.


You can’t set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.

  • Identify ways to improve a healthy work-life balance
  • Communicate your needs with your supervisor
  • Build collaborative teams at work
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help
  • “Metabolize” trauma
    • Process and work through it.
    • Talk with a trusted professional, friend, or family member.
    • Practice gratitude for learning from tough experiences.
    • Forgive your past-self or past-others for mistakes made.
    • Give grace.

Just like you’d call 911 for an emergency related to your physical health or safety, you can call 988 if you are experience an emergency related to your mental health and safety. Call or text for crisis support!

Download the Vision Professionals Toolkit (PDF)