47% of the educators indicated that 1%-25% of their students experienced social or emotional challenges, and 42% reported challenges for more than 25% of their students.

90% of the educators surveyed agreed or strongly agreed that the 2020-2021 school year was more emotionally challenging for them than previous years.

Emotional Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Loneliness and isolation resulted from cancelation of scheduled in-person activities.
  • Fear and anxiety around COVID were common in children and families.
  • Social reluctance increased for some children, especially those who were in key developmental stages.
  • Familial stress increased, due to uncertainty in schedules, resources, education, economic situations, etc. This may be more pronounced for families with children with multiple disabilities or complex needs.
  • Some children found social groups in virtual spaces as a result of exploring their interests during the pandemic.
  • Some online environments eliminated typical barriers associated with blindness, such as transportation issues and social stigma.

Ways to Support Post-Pandemic Adjustment

  • Acknowledge and validate the stresses
  • Ensure collaboration to provide holistic support to students and families now and moving forward
  • Social groups
  • Access to counselors


Each of the following organizations offers a way to connect with other youth who are blind or have low vision, their parents, and adults who are blind or have low vision.

Slate Pals



Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired Youth Programs

Wonderbaby Support Groups for Parents of Blind Kids

Lighthouse Telesupport Groups

Family Connect Support Groups for Parents of Children Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired (Thriving Blind)

Crisis Lines

Call 988 if you, or someone you care about, is experiencing a mental health crisis. You can also text 988, or chat using an online service at 988lifeline.org/chat.

Download the Teachers Toolkit (PDF)

Download the Students Toolkit (PDF)

Download the Families Toolkit (PDF)

Download the Administrators Toolkit (PDF)

Download the Vision Professionals Toolkit (PDF)