Transcription of Letter

Eustance Seligman, Chairman, Board of Trustees
Jansen Noyes, Jr., President
George F. Meyer, Vice President
Richard H. Migel, Secretary
J.P. Morgan, II, Treasurer
M. Robert Barnett, Executive Director
Helen A. Keller, L.H.D., L.L.D., Counselor, National and International Relations
Hon. John F. Kennedy, Honorary President

American Foundation for the Blind, Inc.
15 West 16th Street, New York 11, N.Y.
Telephone: Watkins 4-0420
Cable Address: Foundation, New York
[End of Letterhead]

May 17, 1961

My dear Mr. President:

It was wonderful of you to send me the message I received while I was in Washington as the guest of the Lions of the area, and I thank you cordially. I was never more proud, and humble too, as I listened to your friendly message, and with pleasure I thank you for your generous interest in the blind, not only of America but also of the world. I was privileged indeed to meet you at the White House especially after reading of your thrilling experiences years ago.

Please give my love to your darling family and, believe me, with my most earnest wishes for the success of your leadership during the Presidency, I am (sic)

Sincerely yours,

Helen Keller

The President
The White House
Washington, D.C.