During a challenging year, a team effort helped AFB maintain its mission.

A smiling white woman with blonde hair and glasses, wearing a suit jacket. As I end my tenure as Chair of AFB’s Board of Trustees, I’ve been reflecting on how committed the organization is to driving change, even during challenging times.

As we approached our centennial year in 2021, it was amazing to think what a unique opportunity it was to be the Chair of the Board of a 100-year-old organization that’s had an impact for that many years. But it was also a huge responsibility to sit in that seat during a period of transition within the organization, including a change in leadership. I was fortunate to be surrounded by many talented people on the Board and at AFB, and everything we accomplished was a team effort.

My term as Chair was extended to provide some continuity, and I’m excited about the future of AFB with Eric Bridges as its President & CEO. Plus, two programs AFB launched while I was Chair – the Blind Leaders Development Program and AFB Talent Lab – have great promise to make sure people who are blind or low vision can live up to their full potential in the workplace.

I had the chance to preview AFB’s upcoming documentary, Possibilities, which shares the message of Helen Keller’s journey and how AFB continues to be the north star of her vision for the world. It shows the progress we’ve made — and the progress we have yet to make. I have no doubt AFB is up to the task.

I will always be a supporter of and advocate for AFB. Serving on the Board has been an amazing learning opportunity for me and I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything.

Debbie Dennis
Chair, AFB Board of Trustees

Download the 2023 Annual Report (PDF)