
Penny: Chapter Nine is about funding wheels and specifically we talk about budgeting, how to fund your transportation, exchanging and reciprocating. The young lady in the photo is getting money out of an ATM so that she can be ready to pay for any driving that others do for her or for a taxi, bus fare, whatever comes into play in her life.

Chapter Nine has objectives that talk about the topics in this chapter.

One of the important things that nondrivers need to think about is the fact that people are not going to give them rides for free all the time. Now, that doesn't mean that there aren't times that somebody's going the same place they are and that they're going to get a ride. Family members may not be comfortable taking money from them, but as a nondriver you want to think about, what can I exchange for a ride? And the young man in this picture is sweeping some leaves. So he's doing something that somebody else doesn't have to do for that person and in exchange that person is going to give him a ride.

I think it's really important that we start with very young children, helping them get the idea that everything doesn't come to you just because, but then sometimes you need to give in order to receive. So helping them make a list of chores that they can do for others, different things that they can do to help somebody out and having opportunities for them to do this exchanging for transportation, for help with their homework, for whatever it is that somebody is going to help them with so they start to get the idea from an early age about exchanging.

In Finding Wheels. We have this activity where we talk about the cost of transportation. And many, many nondrivers, whether they're young people or they're seasoned adults, do not recognize how much it costs to own and operate a vehicle.

So in this activity we asked our travelers to locate four to five people and to find out their typically expenses for a month. What do they typically spend on their vehicle, being able to drive it when and where they want to go. They gather up this information and then they can figure out, wow, this is a lot of money that one spends for driving. How does this compare to what I'm going to spend as a nondriver? And this will help the traveler begin to make their own budget and evaluate for themselves.

Which methods of travel are the most, not only time efficient for them, but cost efficient. And how do you start to make the decisions on, do I pay for my gym membership or do I pay for more rideshares because they're more convenient for me?