Judy Brewer, Director, Web Accessibility Initiative of the World Wide Web Consortium, speaks at the publishing breakfast

New federal regulations on accessibility for digital and web publishing are expected to have a significant impact on the publishing industry.

illustration of world globe surrounded by electronic devices and signals

May 19 marks the fifth celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day—a day designed to “get people talking, thinking and learning about digital (web, software, mobile, etc.) accessibility and users with different disabilities.”

iconic Twitter bird with speech bubble reading Thank You!

Twitter released a blog post today announcing Accessible Images for Everyone. The post explains, "Starting today, people using our iOS and Android apps can add descriptions — also known as alternative text (alt text) — to images in Tweets," and goes on to describe how to enable the new feature.

The Washington Post published an article today about accessibility problems that occur not only on companies' websites, but in their mobile applications (apps), noting that "Apps can be a game-changer for people with low vision — if companies build them right."

TechCrunch also recently reported on the question: Will apps become the next disability lawsuit target?

Helen Keller surrounded by school children. Australia 1948

We are delighted to present the first of the many blog posts that will appear over the next two years as part of the Helen Keller Digitization Project. We are kicking off with a post by Kim E. Nielsen, professor of Disability Studies at the University of Toledo, and Helen Keller expert. Enjoy!

visually impaired woman touching a tablet computer

In honor of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, please enjoy and share these resources, and add your own suggestions in the comments!