
GAAD logo.
Happy Global Accessibility Awareness Day (#GAAD)! The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking, and learning about digital access and inclusion. From podcasts and blog posts, to inclusive accessibility solutions, public policy, and resources, AFB has you covered. Global accessibility is more than a day for us, it's 100 years of commitment.

Inform & Connect, Season 2: AFB Trustees Sarah Herrlinger and Christopher Patnoe

We are excited to welcome Sarah Herrlinger of Apple and Christopher Patnoe of Google to Inform & Connect, the American Foundation for the Blind’s podcast. Both Sarah and Christopher sit on AFB’s Board of Trustees. The conversation, led by AFB Major Gifts Specialist Melody Goodspeed, focuses on AFB’s centennial, technology and inclusion, testing products, and their role as AFB board members.

Put GAAD Into Action

By “accessibility,” we mean the design and development of a website (or app, or any digital tool) that allows everyone, including people with disabilities, to independently use and interact with it, as well as create with it and contribute to it. Here are just a few easy ideas that you can put into action today, to celebrate GAAD!

AFB Chief Technology Officer Matthew Janusauskas Appointed to Verizon Disability Advisory Board

Matthew Janusauskas, AFB's Chief Technology Officer, has been appointed to Verizon’s newly established Disability Advisory Board. According to Verizon, this will be “an external board of trusted leaders from disability organizations that will ensure accessibility is a lens we bring to all of our initiatives. The Disability Advisory Board will partner with senior leaders to make recommendations that will inform and support Verizon’s accessibility journey.”

AccessWorld® : Technology and People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

Objective information you can trust, smart and informed commentary, and cutting-edge news and trends concerning information technology and visual impairment are published monthly in AccessWorld®—a publication that is edited and reported by experts who are blind or have low vision.

AFB Consulting

AFB Consulting is a premier resource for helping organizations provide people with disabilities access to digital products, services, and employment opportunities. Our team of authentic user testers and expert accessibility engineers use manual testing to prioritize issues and provide clear, actionable solutions.

Public Policy & Research: A Commitment to Evidence-Based Advocacy

AFB's Public Policy and Research Institute strives to accurately and persuasively understand and describe the characteristics, experiences, needs, and capabilities of people who are blind or visually impaired.

AFB Centennial Conversations & Celebrations

In observance of 100 years of creating a more inclusive world for people who are blind or visually impaired, we're hosting a series of celebrations and “Centennial Conversations”—curated webinars focused on the most pressing issues and topics affecting the blind and low vision communities, pairing prominent speakers with younger voices. Each event is designed to be as inclusive as possible: free to attend, and accompanied by live captions, ASL, audio description, and complete transcripts after the fact.