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An Introduction to the Nuances of Alternative Text and Audio Description

Aaron Preece

Compared to other types of accessibility, there are many complexities in providing useful alternative text for images and audio description for videos. In this article, I will provide some tips and suggestions for producing solid descriptions, as well as include a number of helpful resources.

Enhancing Digital Accessibility for Users with Low Vision

Breean Cox

When designing digital products for accessibility, the details that should be considered for people with low vision will differ significantly from those required for people who are using a screen reader. We detail the various aspects that can be included on sites or within apps to make them more accessible to people with low vision. We also include tools that can assist in confirming low vision accessibility.

Employment Journeys

Employment Journeys: Debra Erickson, Chef and Owner of The Blind Kitchen

Janet Ingber

After experiencing vision loss later in life, Debra Erickson intimately understands the challenges faced by those who undergo a similar journey. In this article, we will detail her vision loss and employment journey, as well as provide information on her business, The Blind Kitchen, which aims to offer cooking tools along with information and tutorials on their use if you are blind or have low vision.

Accessible Gaming

Accessibility in Gaming for the Deaf-Blind

Daniel Hawkins

In AccessWorld, we have spoken at length about video game accessibility for people who are blind or have low vision. If someone is deaf-blind, the accessibility features needed to make a game accessible are, in many cases, completely different. In this piece, we will detail the various types of deaf-blindness and provide suggestions and examples of how video games can be made accessible for an audience that is deaf-blind.